Community Health & Safety Guidelines
We are at our best to empower girls to be strong in mind, body, and voice when we are healthy and safe. We have a shared responsibility to protect our community, and part of that is creating guidelines that work for our spaces and allow for in-person learning. We ask that students with symptoms of cold, flu, or Covid-19 remain home until symptoms are significantly improved. Please see specific guidelines for Covid-19 below.
Who to Contact
The Health Coordinator at [email protected].
Public, State, and National Health Guidelines for Schools
As a school in Washington State, L-Dub monitors information from and uses guidelines in this order:
- Public Health Seattle & King County (PHSKC); when not clear or PHSKC refers us to the
- Washington State Department of Health (WADOH); who may in turn direct us to the
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
All families and employees are expected to follow directives from national, state, and local authorities to maintain their own health and safety.
COVID-19 Vaccinations
L-Dub highly recommends all students be current on their COVID-19 vaccinations.
COVID-19 Testing
With the ending of the federal emergency for COVID-19, we no longer administer point-of-care testing for our students. Moving forward, only registered nurses (RNs), RN-delegated staff, or RN-directed licensed practical nurses (LPNs) can perform point-of-care tests on campus.
Expectations of Community Members
In keeping our community healthy, students, faculty and staff showing symptoms of cold, flu, or COVID-19 must stay home regardless of COVID-19 or flu vaccination status. They will work with our Health Coordinator, who will help determine when they should return to campus.
Our school follows the Washington State Department of Health guidelines for COVID-19. COVID-19 symptoms can include fevers, congestion or runny nose, cough, diarrhea, fatigue, headache, muscle or body aches, nausea or vomiting, loss of taste of smell, sore throat, or difficulty breathing. Parents/caregivers whose student tests positive for COVID-19 must keep their child at home and report the illness to the school at [email protected]. (If a student is absent for another reason, please contact the normal [email protected] to let us know.)
Follow these Washington State Department of Health guidelines to return to campus.
A student or employee who tests positive for COVID-19, or who has symptoms and does not test and does not receive, in writing, an alternate diagnosis from a health care provider, may return to school IF:
- There is no fever for at least 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medication AND
- Symptoms have significantly improved for at least 24 hours AND
- A mask is worn on campus and during the school’s after school classes and athletics for five days after their return..
If a student comes to school and is not feeling well:
- The student will isolate while masking.
- The main office will contact the parent/caregiver(s) to immediately pick up the student.
All medical forms must be completed via Alma. Keep emergency contacts and family contact information updated at all times by informing [email protected]. If you change your phone number, address, or email, please inform us at [email protected].
On Campus Expectations
As of May 23rd, 2022, masking is optional for students, faculty, and staff members of the L-Dub community.
Wash hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds — especially after being in a public place, or after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing. If soap and water are not readily available, use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol. Cover all surfaces of your hands and rub them together until they feel dry. Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
L-Dub belongs to the Cascade Middle School League, which follows the COVID-19 guidelines of WIAA. Individual schools within the league will communicate specific guidelines affecting interleague competition and may update specific rules when necessary.